The evening event for registered members and guests takes place in the Orangery of Palace Charlottenburg with the following address:

Orangerie Berlin GmbH

Spandauer Damm 22

14059 Berlin


You are welcome to join us on 17th of June from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm to our public day with birds of prey display in front of the orangery. Our national associations will present several of our activities and projects, there will be a tent where movies will presented and offered different activities for children.


How to reach:

By car:

Possibilities for parking are rare.

For parking take the first exit road from "Stadtring Berlin" to "Spanndauer Damm" and follow the street for about 1km to "Bahnhof Zoologischer Garten"


By urban railway ("S-Bahn"):

From Central railway station please choose one of the following lines:
S3 (direction "Spandau"), S5 (direction "Westkreuz"), S7 (direction "Potsdam Hbf") or S9 (direction "Spandau")
At "Westkreuz" change to S42 and exit at S-Railway station "Westend"
After 900m walk in the direction of town center you will arrive at the Orangery

- Or take Bus M45 to "Klausener Platz" (in front of Orangery) instead of walking.


Helpful is the website of the lokal public traffic: